
A Pilgrimage to Mankamana: Fulfilling Promises and Creating Memories

Have you ever embarked on a journey that combined devotion, adventure, and family bonding? Well, I recently had the opportunity to do just that as my family and I decided to visit Mankamana Temple, a place known not only for its spiritual significance but also its breathtaking natural beauty. A Divine Promise Our journey to Mankamana Temple was not a spontaneous decision. It was the culmination of a promise made by my mother a few years ago. In a time of despair when my sister faced a miscarriage and pregnancy complications, my mother turned to her faith for solace. She made a heartfelt promise that if my sister gave birth without any complications, we would visit Mankamana and offer a symbolic act of gratitude—a pigeon's flight. From Kathmandu to Mankamana My family resides in Biratnagar, while I am pursuing my master's degree in Kathmandu. Mankamana Temple is conveniently located, just a five-hour drive from the capital. Additionally, my brother also resides in Kathma

Exploring the Beauty of Bhundole Hike in Pharphing: A Memorable Summer Adventure

Introduction : As summer vacation arrived, our classmates and I eagerly planned a memorable adventure to make the most of our 15-day break. After much discussion, we decided to embark on a hike to Bhundole in Pharphing—a place recommended by one of our classmates who had seen its popularity on TikTok. With homemade lunch in our backpacks, we set off early in the morning, filled with excitement and anticipation for the journey ahead. The Journey Begins: On an early Wednesday morning, we hopped on a bus at 6:30 am from Naya Bazar to Balkhu, paying a nominal fare of Rs 20. From Balkhu, we boarded another bus directly to Pharphing, costing us Rs 50. Despite the conductor's oversight in not passing our ID cards for the discount, we eagerly looked forward to the upcoming adventure. The bus dropped us off at Pharphing Chowk promptly at 8 am, where we sought guidance from the locals about our destination. They informed us that it would take approximately two hours from the chowk to reach B

Unveiling the Mystique of Bhagbhairav Temple: A Timeless Shrine of Kirtipur,Kathmandu

Introduction: Nestled within the ancient town of Kritipur, Nepal, lies a hidden gem of spiritual significance—Bhagbhairav Temple. With its roots tracing back to the depths of history, this revered shrine stands as a testament to unwavering faith and captivating folklore. Join us on a journey to discover the allure of Bhagbhairav Temple, its unique features, and the enduring beliefs that have bound generations together. Unearthing a Timeless Guardian: Perched amidst the landscape of Kritipur, Bhagbhairav Temple stands as a sentinel, its deity, Bhairav ( It says that Bhairav is the manifestation or avatar of Shiva ) personified as a fearsome tiger. As one of the oldest shrines in the region, the temple has witnessed countless renovations and additions throughout the ages. Yet, its origins remain shrouded in mystery, with no definitive evidence pointing to its establishment. However, a genealogical scripture correlates the establishment of Kritipur and Bhagbhairav Temple, aligning their e

A Rainy Day Adventure to Dakhinkali Temple: Finding Spirituality Amidst the Raindrops

Introduction  On a lazy Sunday morning, when the rain was pouring outside and the thought of going to college seemed unappealing, an unexpected message lit up my Instagram inbox. It was from a classmate, kusum suggesting a spontaneous trip to Dakhinkali Temple. The allure of escaping college and embarking on an impromptu adventure proved irresistible. Little did I know that this rainy day would turn out to be an unforgettable experience, where spirituality, nature, and cultural immersion merged seamlessly. Journey to Dakhinkali Temple: With our minds made up, we set off on a bus from Chovar Gate to Dakhinkali. The bus ride itself was an enchanting half-hour journey, offering glimpses of Pharping village and its stunning Buddhist monasteries.  Pharping is famous for  oriental pear or sand pear called Naspati in Nepali. The raindrops on the windowpane evoked a sense of nostalgia, taking me back to carefree childhood memories. If you prefer a direct route, buses from Balkhu to Dakhinkali

Exploring the hidden Gems of Nepal-Bhasmashur Hiking

Nepal, the land of the Himalayas, is known for its stunning mountains, diverse culture, and beautiful landscapes. The country is home to many hidden gems, and one such gem is the Bhasmashur Mandir Hiking trail. One of the most memorable hikes that I've been on recently was to Bhasmashur Mandir, a temple that is located on a hill near the city of Kathmandu. The hike was both challenging and rewarding, and it offered plenty of surprises along the way. The journey to Bhasmashur Mandir started on a previous hike to Champadevi Mandir. At one point during that hike, we reached a fork in the road that led to Champadevi and Bhasmashur Mandir respectively. We were advised by a guide not to attempt both hikes on the same day, so we chose to visit Champadevi on that occasion. However, one of our friends made a promise to visit Bhasmashur if he received his offer letter from a university in Finland. According to Hindu tradition, breaking a promise to a god is frowned upon, so we knew we had to

A heartwarming encounter with a grandma at Jalpadevi Temple,Chovar

Have you ever stopped to talk to an elderly person, just to listen to their stories and gain their wisdom? I recently had a beautiful encounter with a grandma at a temple, and it reminded me of the importance of slowing down and connecting with our elders. It was a not-so-fun day at the Jalpadevi Temple located in chovar,kirtipur with people coming and going, praying, and taking pictures. I noticed a grandma sitting alone on a bench, looking at a group of teenagers making TikTok videos. She was smiling at their antics, and I could tell that she was enjoying watching them. I was sitting in a corner with my friends, but something about her caught my eye. We made eye contact, and I felt drawn to her. I got up and walked over to her, sitting down beside her. She welcomed me with a friendly smile, and we struck up a conversation. Trust me she was so cute. I asked her about her life and how she had come to be at the temple alone. She told me that she was a regular visitor to the temple and t

Innocent Joy of Childhood

I met these 3 kids on my way to the village of champadevi temple, Kathmandu and it was a refreshing experience. The kids were around 8 to 10 years old and they playing with their cartoon masks. They were carefree and enjoying their best life, and it was a delight to watch them play. As I approached them, they looked at me with curiosity and smiled. I smiled back and introduce myself. They were shy at first but so on they opened up and started talking. They told me about their school and their favorite subjects. They also talked about their families and their daily routine. What struck me the most was their innocence and simplicity. Life is too simple when you are a kid and these kids were living proof of that. They didn't have any worries or responsibilities. All they wanted was to play and have fun. It was a stark contrast to the life of adults who are constantly struggling to make ends meet. As we talked, I couldn't help but think about how our inner child disappears as we gr