It's Okay to be Ordinary !

In a world obsessed with perfection, being ordinary often feels like a rebellion. We are surrounded by curated Instagram feeds, movies about superheroes, and stories of people achieving extraordinary success. The message is loud and clear: to matter, you must be exceptional. But what if I told you it’s perfectly okay to be ordinary? It’s okay to have a regular 9-to-5 job, to not have millions of followers, or to simply be an introvert with a small circle of friends. It’s okay to be shy, to blend into the background, and to have moments where you feel uncertain or awkward. Despite what social media and pop culture tell us, life isn’t a competition for fame, beauty, or brilliance. Yet, there’s an invisible pressure that pushes us to be someone else. Deep down, many of us carry the quiet yearning to be more: more attractive, more talented, more interesting, more liked. We scroll through social media, and it seems like everyone is living the life of our dreams. They’re traveling to ex...